A perfect example of “Deep” modularization and its namespace-centric nature.It’s a necessary part of the duality, but so is our “Wide” stuff.
I'm afraid AFAIK, Project Jigsaw is a project to split the giant
Java standard library (which includes java.lang.*, java.util* but
also all sorts of security managers and XML processors and so on)
into a set of composable library modules so that you can create a
smaller JDK when packaging your application with the JDK -- at the
moment, if you want a standalone installer for your application,
you have to create an application package which includes the
entire JDK even if you're only using 5% of it. Jigsaw will let
you package only the module(s) that include the 5% you want.
On 03/07/2014 11:23, Barry (4Links) wrote:
From: http://openjdk.java.net/projects/jigsaw/goals-reqs/03
- Refactoring — It must be possible
to refactor the set of JDK modules over time, by splitting a
module into smaller modules or merging an existing set of
modules into a single module, without having to modify any
external component that makes use of the original modules.
Which looks encouraging - but I didn't spot any indication of how
data is passed between modules (of course, I'm hoping to see
something like CSP message-passing).
Does anyone know more about this (I've just seen a headline and
the above reference)?