Larry Funding for research may very well exacerbate the problem, producing a hideous plethora of languages, whereas funding for action, within a commercial environment, I think could be justified, perhaps even fought for and won, despite the degree of commitment – the cost, both in product integrity, and in productivity, of the current situation is enormous and demonstrable, I think. The problem then is persuasion. Although we have a body of work showing the potential, dating back decades, the CPA paradigm still does not have a comprehensive text. I think it's easier to get 'em while they're young. The new opportunity is to target a textbook at GCSE Computing students in support of the requirement to complete a significant software project. The Plumbing book by the Transterpreter folk could be built up to that I think, though it would need professional production. (If you're listening guys, consider it an offer.) That leaves a more comprehensive volume needed for the pro and academic markets. I do plan to write one, but cannot do it for years yet. Ian Ian East Open Channel Publishing Ltd. (Reg. in England, Company Number 6818450) |