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Re: Objects, processes, and encapsulation
I reserve judgement.
Truth is (and this is a major problem) while in uni, we don't get enough
hard experience, but while in industry, we get stuck with given tools and
methods, and don't get enough chance to work out how something should be
done. UML has arrived (in earnest) after my last time in industry, which
saw homage to OOP but little real application.
I think we need to start again from the beginning, and that means with
CSP. Our problem now is the lack of adequate application. I see this time
as one for regrouping and coming back with new and better tools. It's a
good sign that so many CPA papers got stuck into that. To fiddle with
current fads like Java, UML, etc, I believe is a serious mistake. We'll
simply drown that way. It's too easy to lose the benefits, like security,
and simple abstraction.
If necessary we should be prepared to go all the way into application
ourselves to prove the point (again).
Dr. Ian Robert East School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences
ireast@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Oxford Brookes University
(44) 1865 483635 Turing Building
Wheatley Campus
Oxford OX33 1HX
Consultation hours for 2001/2002 Term 1
Mon 09.00..11.00
Fri 11.00..13.00