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Re: SPOC for PIC

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000, Lawrence Dickson wrote:

> On Sep 25,  9:22am, Oyvind Teig wrote:
> } Subject: Re: "No aliasing = no garbage collection"
> } 
> } > >  Microchip Technologies PIC processors
> } > >   that zip along in assembly are much cheaper than ones that use C,
> } > Well actually there is a PIC 'C' compiler, sold as part of the L150 SDK...
> } 
> } See:
> }   http://gales.ecs.soton.ac.uk/software/spoc/
> }   http://gales.ecs.soton.ac.uk/software/spoc/spoc.PIC-linux.tgz
> }     May 1999.
> }     Sam Ellis's version of SPoC with the PIC back end. This includes 
> }     binaries for Intel iA32 linux and ARM linux (!) along with the 
> }     sources for the GMD compiler tools and his project report. 
> }     It's a good version for a new user to get. 
> This wasn't exactly the point I was making... I was aware of the PICs
> built for a C compiler. What I meant to point out was the much smaller,
> cheaper PICs with the same capabilities that use assembly - smaller and
> cheaper because they don't have to support C stacks, etc. The code 
> looks the same in assembly as in C.

It doesn't use C.

This is a _new_ optimiser and back end for SPOC that directly generates
PIC assembler. A great deal of code flattening is performed to reduce use
of variables. It was mainly targetted at the 16F84, but only because
that's the easiest for beginners to program.

It is, however, the output of a (good) student project, and I haven't
polished it yet. 

PS: For those who know I've been ill over the summer---I rode my bike into
work for the first time today.

Denis A Nicole                 WWW:   http://www.hpcc.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~dan
High Performance Computing     Email: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Department of Electronics      Phone: +44 23 8059 2703
       & Computer Science      Fax:   +44 23 8059 3903
University of Southampton
SO17  1BJ
United Kingdom