Module string



string5.occ:63Process next.word.from.line

PROC next.word.from.line (VAL []BYTE line, INT ptr, len, []BYTE word, BOOL ok)

Determine the next word in a given line, skipping leading spaces and tabs.

Leading spaces and ( horizontal ) tabs ( from line[ ptr ], ptr on entry ) are skipped. A word continues until a space or tab or the end of the string is encountered.


VAL []BYTE line a string containing the line from which a word is desired to be noted. The string is considered to be of length (SIZE line).
INT ptr on entry: the index of line from which to start the search for a word, i.e. the search begins at line[ ptr ] with ptr increasing. On exit: if ok is FALSE on entry, then unchanged; if ok is TRUE on entry, then is either the index of the space or tab immediately after the found word or is >= (SIZE line) ( where it is only ever greater than if it was passed in as such ), whether ok is subsequently set to FALSE or not.
INT len if ok is FALSE on entry, then 0; if ok is TRUE on entry then gives the length of the first word found after the given starting position ( whether ok is subsequently set to FALSE or not ), which in the case of no word found is 0
[]BYTE word if ok is FALSE on entry, then undefined; if ok is TRUE on entry, then this contains the found word from line in the first len bytes, the remaining bytes being undefined, or if not large enough to contain the word or no word found it is undefined and ok is set to FALSE, though len gives the correct length of the word found
BOOL ok on entry: if FALSE, then len is set to 0, ptr and ok remain unchanged, and word is undefined; otherwise a search for a word is carried out. On exit: if FALSE on entry then FALSE; if TRUE on entry: FALSE if no word found; FALSE if a word found that was too large to fit into word; otherwise TRUE


PROC (VAL []BYTE line, INT ptr, number, BOOL ok)

Determine the next integer in a given line, skipping leading spaces and tabs.

Leading spaces and ( horizontal ) tabs ( from line[ ptr ], ptr on entry ) are skipped. The first sequence of characters found after skipping spaces and tabs is taken to be the integer desired; the integer continues until a space or tab or the end of the string is encountered. A + or - are permissible as the first character of the integer.


VAL []BYTE line a string containing the line from which an integer is desired to be noted. The string is considered to be of length (SIZE line).
INT ptr on entry: the index of line from which to start the search for an integer, i.e. the search begins at line[ ptr ] with ptr increasing. On exit: if ok is FALSE on entry, then unchanged; if ok is TRUE on entry, then is either the index of the space or tab immediately after the found integer or is >= (SIZE line) ( where it is only ever greater than if it was passed in as such ), whether ok is subsequently set to FALSE or not.
INT number if ok is FALSE on entry, then undefined; if ok is TRUE on entry: if ok TRUE on exit, the integer read, otherwise, undefined
BOOL ok on entry: if FALSE, ptr and ok remain unchanged, and number is undefined; otherwise a search for an integer is carried out. On exit: if FALSE on entry then FALSE; if TRUE on entry: FALSE if there were no non-space or non-tab characters before the end of the string; FALSE if the first sequence of non-space, non-tab characters do not form an integer; FALSE if an integer found that overflowed the range of INT; otherwise TRUE

string3.occ:47Process append.real32

PROC append.real32 (INT len, []BYTE str, VAL REAL32 number, VAL INT Ip, Dp)

Write an ASCII representation of a single precision real number into a given string.

If str overflows this routine acts as an invalid process.


INT len on entry: the index of str at which the first character of the representation of number is to be placed; on exit: the index of str of the byte immediately following the last character in str of the representation of number, or (SIZE str) if the last character of the representation was placed into the last byte of str
[]BYTE str the string into which to place the ASCII representation of number
VAL REAL32 number a single precision real number in IEEE format
VAL INT Ip, Dp formatting values for the real number; see REAL32TOSTRING for their effect

string3.occ:73Process append.real64

PROC append.real64 (INT len, []BYTE str, VAL REAL64 number, VAL INT Ip, Dp)

Write an ASCII representation of a double precision real number into a given string.

If str overflows this routine acts as an invalid process.


INT len on entry: the index of str at which the first character of the representation of number is to be placed; on exit: the index of str of the byte immediately following the last character in str of the representation of number, or (SIZE str) if the last character of the representation was placed into the last byte of str
[]BYTE str the string into which to place the ASCII representation of number
VAL REAL64 number a double precision real number in IEEE format
VAL INT Ip, Dp formatting values for the real number; see REAL64TOSTRING for their effect

string2.occ:46Process append.char

PROC append.char (INT len, []BYTE str, VAL BYTE char)

Write a byte into a string.

If accessing str[ len ], for len on entry, is invalid then this routine acts as an invalid process.


INT len on entry: the byte char will be written at str[ len ]; on exit: len will be one greater than it was on entry
[]BYTE str the string to write char to
VAL BYTE char the byte which is to be written into str

string2.occ:67Process append.text

PROC append.text (INT len, []BYTE str, VAL []BYTE text)

Concatenate two strings.

If str is not long enough to hold the concatenation then this routine acts as an invalid process.


INT len on entry: the index of str where the first character of text is to go; on exit: the index of str immediately after the last character of text inserted, or SIZE str if the last character of text was placed in the last position of str
[]BYTE str the concatenation of what str was on entry with text, where text is placed in positions str[ len ] to str[ len + (SIZE text) - 1 ] inclusive, where len here is that on entry
VAL []BYTE text the string to be concatenated with str, text being the second string


PROC (INT len, []BYTE str, VAL INT number, width)

Convert an integer into its representation as ASCII decimal digits, with leading spaces if desired, and write this into a given string.

If str overflows then this routine acts as an invalid process. The conversion of number will include a minus sign if applicable.


INT len on entry: the index of str at which the first character of the ASCII conversion of number is to be written; on exit: the index of str immediately after where the last character of the ASCII conversion of number was written, or SIZE str if this last character was written into the last positon of str
[]BYTE str the string into which the ASCII conversion of number is to be written
VAL INT number the integer to be converted to an ASCII representation and then written into str
VAL INT width the field width of the ASCII representation of number: if number cannot be represented in width characters then the representation is widened as necessary; if width is larger than necessary then padding spaces are added on the left; it is an error if width is negative


PROC (INT len, []BYTE str, VAL INT number, width)

Convert an integer into its representation as ASCII hexadecimal characters and write this into a given string.

If str overflows then this routine acts as an invalid process. The conversion of number includes a # as the first character, so that the representation is always ( width + 1 ) characters. Any hexadecimal characters which are letters will be in upper case.


INT len on entry: the index of str at which the first character of the ASCII hexadecimal of number is to be written; on exit: the index of str immediately after where the last character of the ASCII hexadecimal of number was written, or SIZE str if this last character was written into the last positon of str
[]BYTE str the string into which the hexadecimal ASCII form of number is to be written
VAL INT number the integer to be converted to an ASCII hexadecimal representation and then written into str
VAL INT width the field width of the ASCII hexadecimal representation of number: if number cannot be represented in width characters then the representation is truncated at the left as necessary; otherwise the representation is padded on the left with 0's or F's to make up width characters; it is an error if width is negative


BOOL FUNCTION (VAL BYTE char, bottom, top)

Determine whether the value of a byte lies in the inclusive range between two others.


VAL BYTE char the byte the value of which is to be tested to see whether it lies in a given range
VAL BYTE bottom the lowermost limit of the test range
VAL BYTE top the uppermost limit of the test range


BOOL TRUE if the value of char lies in the range [value of bottom, value of top]; FALSE otherwise

string0.occ:50Function is.upper

BOOL FUNCTION is.upper (VAL BYTE char)

Determine whether the value of a byte lies in the inclusive range that delimits upper case ASCII characters.


VAL BYTE char the byte the value of which is to be tested


BOOL TRUE if the value of char corresponds to an upper case ASCII character; FALSE otherwise

string0.occ:59Function is.lower

BOOL FUNCTION is.lower (VAL BYTE char)

Determine whether the value of a byte lies in the inclusive range that delimits lower case ASCII characters.


VAL BYTE char the byte the value of which is to be tested


BOOL TRUE if the value of char corresponds to a lower case ASCII character; FALSE otherwise

string0.occ:68Function is.digit

BOOL FUNCTION is.digit (VAL BYTE char)

Determine whether the value of a byte lies in the inclusive range that delimits ASCII decimal digits.


VAL BYTE char the byte the value of which is to be tested


BOOL TRUE if the value of char corresponds to a decimal digit according to the ASCII code; FALSE otherwise

string0.occ:78Function is.hex.digit

BOOL FUNCTION is.hex.digit (VAL BYTE char)

Determine whether the value of a byte corresponds to the ASCII value of any hexadecimal digit.


VAL BYTE char the byte the value of which is to be tested


BOOL TRUE if the value of char corresponds to a hexadecimal digit according to the ASCII code, where upper or lower case letters are allowed; FALSE otherwise



Determine whether the value of a byte corresponds to the ASCII code of any legal occam identifier character.


VAL BYTE char the byte the value of which is to be tested


BOOL TRUE if the value of char corresponds to the ASCII code of any legal occam identifier character


PROC ([]BYTE str)

Convert all lower case alphabetic characters in a given string to upper case.

Assumes the ASCII character set. Characters which are not lower case letters remain unchanged.


[]BYTE str the string the lower case characters of which are to be converted to upper case


PROC ([]BYTE str)

Convert all upper case alphabetic characters in a given string to lower case.

Assumes the ASCII character set. Characters which are not upper case letters remain unchanged.


[]BYTE str the string the upper case characters of which are to be converted to lower case

string1.occ:42Function compare.strings

INT FUNCTION compare.strings (VAL []BYTE str1, str2)

Determine the lexicographical ordering of two strings.

Lexicographical ordering is that which uses the ordinal values of the characters for comparison in sequence along the strings. Here the ordinal values are the ASCII values.


VAL []BYTE str1, str2 the strings to be compared


INT 0 for exact equality ( of both length and content ) 1 for str2 is leading substring of str1 -1 for str1 is leading substring of str2 2 for str1 "later" than str2 -2 for str2 "later" than str1

string1.occ:81Function eqstr

BOOL FUNCTION eqstr (VAL []BYTE s1, s2)

Determine if two strings are identical or not.


VAL []BYTE s1, s2 the strings to be compared


BOOL TRUE if the two strings are identical in length and content; FALSE otherwise

string1.occ:115Process str.shift

PROC str.shift ([]BYTE str, VAL INT start, len, shift, BOOL not.done)

Shift a substring.


[]BYTE str on entry: a string containing the substring to be shifted in positions [str FROM start FOR len]; on exit: the string once the substring has been shifted, the only bytes of string that have changed being those that the substring was shifted into
VAL INT start the index of str of the first character of the substring to be shifted
VAL INT len the number of characters in the substring to be shifted
VAL INT shift the number of places to the right to move the substring by, so that a negative number for shift will move the substring left
BOOL not.done TRUE if any elements of the substring are shifted off either end of str ( though no access is made to invalid locations of str ); FALSE if the shifted substring is entirely within str

string1.occ:223Process delete.string

PROC delete.string (INT len, []BYTE str, VAL INT start, size, BOOL not.done)

Remove a substring from a string.


INT len on entry: the number of significant characters in str; on exit: if not.done is FALSE, the number of significant characters in str, being size subtracted from the entry value of len; otherwise the same as it was on entry
[]BYTE str on entry: the string from which it is desired to delete a substring; on exit: if not.done is FALSE, the original string with substring deleted, where deleted means that the gap created by the deletion is filled from the left with those significant characters left in str that were originally after the end of the deleted substring, and so that the number of significant characters remaining in str is len on exit; otherwise the same as it was on entry
VAL INT start the index of str of the first character of the substring to be deleted
VAL INT size the number of characters in the substring to be deleted
BOOL not.done TRUE if size is less than zero, start is less than zero, or (start + size) is greater than the entry value of len; FALSE otherwise. If TRUE then len and str are unchanged from their original values.

string1.occ:257Process insert.string

PROC insert.string (VAL []BYTE new.str, INT len, []BYTE str, VAL INT start, BOOL not.done)

Insert a string into another string.

If new.str can be fully inserted from the desired starting position, then any significant characters in str that were originally after str[ start ] are moved to the right by SIZE new.str, with not.done being set to TRUE if any of these characters are moved off the end of str ( though no invalid accesses are made ), FALSE otherwise


VAL []BYTE new.str the string to be inserted
INT len on entry: the number of significant characters in str; on exit: the number of significant characters in str
[]BYTE str on entry: the string into which new.str is to be inserted; on exit: the original str with new.str inserted, where any overflow of str at the high index results in truncation at the high index
VAL INT start the index of str at which the first character of new.str should go
BOOL not.done TRUE if start < 0, start > len, len < 0, new.str had to be truncated to fit, or if any significant characters of the original str could not be retained within str after the insertion; otherwise FALSE

string1.occ:308Function string.pos

INT FUNCTION string.pos (VAL []BYTE search, str)

Determine where the first occurrence is of a string within another string.

The searching is case sensitive.


VAL []BYTE search the string to search for in the string str
VAL []BYTE str the string in which to search for the string search


INT the lowest index of str at which begins a substring exactly matching the string search was found, or -1 if no such substring found

string1.occ:373Function char.pos

INT FUNCTION char.pos (VAL BYTE search, VAL []BYTE str)

Determine where the first occurrence of a character is in a given string.

The searching is case sensitive.


VAL BYTE search the character to search for in the string str
VAL []BYTE str the string in which to search for the character search


INT the lowest index of str at which a byte exactly matching search was found, or -1 if no such byte found

string1.occ:397Function search.match

INT, BYTE FUNCTION search.match (VAL []BYTE possibles, str)

Search a string for the first occurrence of any one of a given number of characters.


VAL []BYTE possibles a string each byte of which is to be individually checked for in str
VAL []BYTE str the string in which to search for any of the various bytes contained in possibles


INT if a match found, this gives the lowest index of str at which the match occurs; otherwise -1
BYTE if a match found, this gives the byte of possibles which was found; otherwise 255( BYTE )


INT, BYTE FUNCTION (VAL []BYTE possibles, str)

Search a string for the first occurrence of a character which does not match any of a given number of characters.


VAL []BYTE possibles a string each byte of which is to be individually checked for non-existence in str
VAL []BYTE str the string in which to search for a byte which is not identical to any of the various bytes contained in possibles


INT if no match found, this gives the lowest index of str at which the lack of a match occurs; otherwise -1
BYTE if no match found, this gives the byte of str which was found not to match; otherwise 255( BYTE )

string4.occ:59Process append.int64

PROC append.int64 (INT len, []BYTE str, VAL INT64 number, VAL INT width)

Convert a 64-bit integer into its representation as ASCII decimal digits, with leading spaces if desired, and write this into a given string.

If str overflows then this routine acts as an invalid process. The conversion of number will include a minus sign if applicable.


INT len on entry: the index of str at which the first character of the ASCII conversion of number is to be written; on exit: the index of str immediately after where the last character of the ASCII conversion of number was written, or SIZE str if this last character was written into the last positon of str
[]BYTE str the string into which the ASCII conversion of number is to be written
VAL INT64 number the 64-bit integer to be converted to an ASCII representation and then written into str
VAL INT width the field width of the ASCII representation of number: if number cannot be represented in width characters then the representation is widened as necessary; if width is larger than necessary then padding spaces are added on the left; it is an error for width to be negative

string4.occ:104Process append.hex.int64

PROC append.hex.int64 (INT len, []BYTE str, VAL INT64 number, VAL INT width)

Convert a 64-bit integer into its representation as ASCII hexadecimal characters and write this into a given string.

If str overflows then this routine acts as an invalid process. The conversion of number includes a # as the first character, so that the representation is always ( width + 1 ) characters. Any hexadecimal characters which are letters will be in upper case.


INT len on entry: the index of str at which the first character of the ASCII hexadecimal of number is to be written; on exit: the index of str immediately after where the last character of the ASCII hexadecimal of number was written, or SIZE str if this last character was written into the last positon of str
[]BYTE str the string into which the hexadecimal ASCII form of number is to be written
VAL INT64 number the 64-bit integer to be converted to an ASCII hexadecimal representation and then written into str
VAL INT width the field width of the ASCII hexadecimal representation of number: if number cannot be represented in width characters then the representation is truncated at the left as necessary; otherwise the representation is padded on the left with 0's or F's to make up width characters; a negative value for width is an error