Module rasterio - Support for saving and loading rasters as graphics files

Support for saving and loading rasters as graphics files.



png.occ:32Process read.raster.png

PROC read.raster.png (VAL []BYTE filename, RESULT RASTER raster)

Load a PNG file as a raster.

png.occ:44Process write.raster.png

PROC write.raster.png (VAL []BYTE filename, VAL [][]INT raster)

Write a raster out as a PNG file.

ppmwrite.occ:27Process write.raster.ppm

PROC write.raster.ppm (VAL []BYTE filename, VAL [][]INT raster)

Write a raster out as a PPM file.

ppmread.occ:28Process read.raster.ppm

PROC read.raster.ppm (VAL []BYTE filename, RESULT RASTER raster)

Load a PPM file as a raster.

ppmread.occ:35Function is.whitespace

BOOL FUNCTION is.whitespace (VAL BYTE ch)

Is a character whitespace, as defined by the PPM spec?

ppmread.occ:48Process raw.char

PROC raw.char ()

Read a character from the file into ch.

ppmread.occ:58Process get.char

PROC get.char ()

Read a character from the file into ch, skipping comments.

ppmread.occ:76Process get.number

PROC get.number (RESULT INT n)

Read a decimal number terminated by a single whitespace character from the file into n, skipping any preceding whitespace.

rasterio.occ:39Process read.raster

PROC read.raster (VAL []BYTE filename, RESULT RASTER raster)

Load an image file as a raster, with the format determined automatically based on the extension.

The following extensions are currently supported:

  • .png (if your occam system was built with PNG support)
  • .ppm

rasterio.occ:59Process write.raster

PROC write.raster (VAL []BYTE filename, VAL [][]INT raster)

Write a raster to a file, with the format determined automatically based on the extension.

The following extensions are currently supported:

  • .png (if your occam system was built with PNG support)
  • .ppm

rasterio.occ:83Process write.rasters

PROC write.rasters (VAL []BYTE prefix, suffix, CHAN RASTER in?, out!)

Write rasters to files.

As each raster passes through, it's written to a file named prefix000000suffix, with the number incrementing by one for each frame. The files can be in any format supported by write.raster.

You can convert the resulting files into a video using mencoder or a similar tool; see the mencoder manual for more details.