Module hostio




PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, INT64 n, BOOL error)

Read a string containing a representation of a 64-bit decimal integer from the keyboard, and to echo it to standard out.

The integer may commence with a + or a - sign. The number typed at the keyboard must be terminated by pressing 'RETURN'.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
INT64 n if error is FALSE, the value of the integer read; otherwise undefined
BOOL error FALSE if nothing went wrong in the operation; otherwise TRUE: 1) if the integer read overflows the INT64 range 2) if a non-numeric character is found in the input string ( other than a + or - in the first character position )

ask.occ:53Process so.ask

PROC so.ask (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE prompt, replies, VAL BOOL display.possible.replies, echo.reply, INT reply.number)

Provide a general purpose routine for interactively asking a user of a program a question requiring only a one character answer.

After the prompt and possibly the printable replies, " ? " is output and a valid key is waited for from the keyboard; invalid keys are ignored.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL []BYTE prompt the prompt to be displayed on the screen to the user, but any list of possible replies and a question mark will be taken care of outside of this prompt
VAL []BYTE replies the possible single character replies allowed, which do not necessarily need to be printable
VAL BOOL display.possible.replies if TRUE the printable replies are displayed ( in upper case ) inside round brackets with commas inbetween each character, this display being one space after the given prompt; if FALSE then this is not done
VAL BOOL echo.reply if TRUE then the reply typed at the keyboard by the user is echoed if it is printable, and it is echoed as an upper case letter if a letter; if FALSE the reply typed is not echoed
INT reply.number an integer corresponding to the reply typed, where 0 is associated with the first possible reply, 1 with the second possible reply, etc., where the order is as in replies

getkey.occ:30Process S.getkey

PROC S.getkey (INT keyval)

getkey.occ:35Process sp.getkey

PROC sp.getkey (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, BYTE key, result)

getkey.occ:44Process so.getkey

PROC so.getkey (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, BYTE key, result)

ferror.occ:45Process sp.ferror

PROC sp.ferror (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, INT32, INT length, []BYTE message, BYTE result)

Test for the occurrence of an error on the specified stream.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to be tested for error
INT32 a host defined error number
INT length the number of bytes in message. Equal to zero if result >= spr.operation.failed.
[]BYTE message if result is not spr.operation.failed then this contains a ( possibly null ) message corresponding to the last file error on the specified stream; this message is [message FROM 0 FOR length]
BYTE result equals spr.ok if there was an error on the specified stream and the message corresponding to it fits into message; equals spr.buffer.overflow if there was an error on the specified stream but the message corresponding to it is too large to fit into message, in which case it is truncated to fit; >= spr.operation.failed if there was no error on the specified stream

ferror.occ:52Process so.ferror

PROC so.ferror (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, INT32, INT length, []BYTE message, BYTE result)

pollkey.occ:29Process S.pollkey

PROC S.pollkey (INT result, INT keyval)

pollkey.occ:45Process sp.pollkey

PROC sp.pollkey (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, BYTE key, result)

Read a single character from the keyboard, without waiting for one if there is none.

The key is not echoed to the screen.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
BYTE key the key that was read
BYTE result equals spr.ok if there was a key to read and the read was successful; otherwise >= spr.operation.failed - refer to or iserver documentation for further details

pollkey.occ:62Process so.pollkey

PROC so.pollkey (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, BYTE key, result)

getenv.occ:35Process OC.getenv

PROC OC.getenv (INT result, VAL []BYTE envname, INT len, []BYTE block)

getenv.occ:75Process sp.getenv

PROC sp.getenv (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE name, INT length, []BYTE value, BYTE result)

Return the contents of an environment variable from whatever host is being used.

The largest size the returned contents of an environment variable can be is limited by the functionality of the server, not by this routine.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL []BYTE name a string containing the name of the desired environment variable. name should not have more than sp.max.getenvname.size characters in it.
INT length if result is spr.ok, the number of bytes in value, starting at value[ 0 ]; (SIZE value) if result is spr.buffer.overflow; zero otherwise.
[]BYTE value the contents of the environment variable, if result is spr.ok; truncated environment variable if result is spr.buffer.overflow; undefined otherwise.
BYTE result spr.ok if the environment string successfully returned; some other value otherwise, indicating the sort of problem: the specified name is a null string spr.bad.packet.size (SIZE name) > sp.max.getenvname.size spr.buffer.overflow environment string too large for value; it is truncated to fit >=spr.operation.failed could not read environment string - see or iserver documentation for further details

getenv.occ:100Process so.getenv

PROC so.getenv (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE name, INT length, []BYTE value, BYTE result)

gets.occ:79Process sp.gets

PROC sp.gets (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, INT, []BYTE data, BYTE result)

Read a line from the specified input stream.

Characters are read until a newline sequence is found, the end of the file is reached, or the number of characters is not less than sp.max.readbuffer.size. If a newline sequence is found, it is not included in data.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the open stream to be read from
INT if result is spr.ok this is the number of bytes read; if result is spr.buffer.overflow then this will be (SIZE data) and will be less than the actual number of bytes read from the file; otherwise zero.
[]BYTE data an array of bytes holding line read if result is spr.ok; or holding a truncation of the line if result is spr.buffer.overflow. It is undefined otherwise. If result is spr.ok or spr.buffer.overflow then the bytes will be [data FROM 0 FOR].
BYTE result equal to spr.ok if line was successfully read; otherwise takes on a value indicating what went wrong: spr.bad.packet.size data is too large, (SIZE data) > sp.max.readbuffer.size spr.buffer.overflow data not large enough to hold the line, in which case the line is truncated to fit >=spr.operation.failed the read failed, either because the end of the file has been reached or some error occurred - see or iserver documentation for further details

gets.occ:100Process so.gets

PROC so.gets (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, INT, []BYTE data, BYTE result)

ovbuffer.occ:44Process sp.overlapped.buffer

PROC sp.overlapped.buffer (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, from.user, to.user, CHAN OF BOOL stopper)

Act as two almost independent buffers.

The dependence of the buffers is given by the fact that the number of communications through one buffer ( buffer2 ) must match the number through the other buffer ( buffer1 ) before the routine will terminate. No more than bytes can be buffered in each of the buffers.


CHAN OF SP fs input to this routine and to buffer2
CHAN OF SP ts output from this routine and from buffer1
CHAN OF SP from.user input to this routine and to buffer1
CHAN OF SP to.user output from this routine and from buffer2
CHAN OF BOOL stopper input to this routine; TRUE or FALSE received will cause buffer1 to stop listening on the ts channel and to terminate when buffer2 has passed through the same number of reply communications on the fs/to.user channels as buffer1 sent on the from.user/ts channels. buffer1 terminates immediately after buffer1; the whole routine then terminates.

ovbuffer.occ:123Process so.overlapped.buffer

PROC so.overlapped.buffer (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, from.user, to.user, CHAN OF BOOL stopper)

ovprimux.occ:68Process sp.overlapped.pri.multiplexor

PROC sp.overlapped.pri.multiplexor (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, []CHAN OF SP from.user, to.user, CHAN OF BOOL stopper, []INT queue)

Multiplex any number of pairs of SP protocol channels onto a single pair of SP protocol channels, where the multiplexing is overlapped so that output through this routine can continue independently of the receipt of replies.

There is a relative priority to the input channels: from.user[ i ] is of higher priority than from.user[ j ] where i < j.

It is an error if the size of from.user is different to that of to.user. It is permissible for the size of from.user ( and hence to.user ) to be zero. The maximum number of bytes that can be channelled through this routine in each direction is It is assumed that replies for messages are received in the same sequence as the messages are sent.


CHAN OF SP fs input to this routine
CHAN OF SP ts output from this routine
[]CHAN OF SP from.user input to this routine
[]CHAN OF SP to.user output from this routine
CHAN OF BOOL stopper input to this routine: TRUE or FALSE received on this channel will cause the routine to stop listening on the from.user channels and wait until all replies have been received before terminating; this channel has the highest priority of all input channels
[]INT queue the values in queue on entry are irrelevant but the size of it is the maximum number of communications that can be output through this routine before a reply is received and to be passed back; the values in queue on termination are equally irrelevant; queue is used for storage only; if it is of zero length then no communication can be done and the routine simply waits on stopper for an input which immediately causes termination of this routine

ovprimux.occ:162Process so.overlapped.pri.multiplexor

PROC so.overlapped.pri.multiplexor (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, []CHAN OF SP from.user, to.user, CHAN OF BOOL stopper, []INT queue)

parse.occ:62Process so.parse.command.line

PROC so.parse.command.line (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL [][]BYTE option.strings, VAL []INT option.parameters.required, []BOOL option.exists, [][2]INT option.parameters, INT error.len, []BYTE line)

Read the server command line and parse it for specified options and associated parameters.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL [][]BYTE option.strings a list of all possible options. These options must not be longer than 256 bytes and any letters should be in upper case, even though the options as given by the user on the command line are case insensitive. To read a parameter that has no preceding option ( such as a filename ) then the first option string should contain only spaces. Because all of these option strings must be the same length, trailing spaces should be used to pad.
VAL []INT option.parameters.required indicates if the corresponding option ( in option.strings ) requires a parameter. The permissible values are: spopt.never never takes a parameter spopt.maybe optionally takes a parameter spopt.always must take a parameter
[]BOOL option.exists TRUE if the corresponding option was present on the command line; otherwise FALSE
[][2]INT option.parameters if an option was followed by a parameter then the position in the array line where the parameter starts and the length of the parameter are given by the first and second elements respectively in the corresponding element of this parameter, as long as an error did not occur
INT error.len zero if no error occurs whilst the command line is being parsed; otherwise greater than zero and is the number of bytes in line ( which will contain an error message )
[]BYTE line contains the command line as supplied by the server if there was no error ( in which case error.len is zero ); otherwise contains an error message ( the length of which is given by error.len ). There is no limitation on the size of line - if it is not long enough for an error message then that message is truncated to fit; if not long enough for the command line, then an error message is put into line.

spwrite.occ:36Process OC.fwrite

PROC OC.fwrite (INT result, VAL INT32 handle, VAL []BYTE buffer, INT bytes.written)

spwrite.occ:57Process sp.write

PROC sp.write (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL []BYTE data, INT length, BYTE result)

Write an unlimited number of bytes to a stream.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the open stream to write to
VAL []BYTE data a string of bytes ALL of which are to be written to the file
INT length this gives the number of bytes written; if length <> (SIZE data) then an error occurred
BYTE result spr.ok if the request was successful; otherwise >= spr.operation.failed - refer to or iserver documentation for further details


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, INT n, BOOL error)

Read a string containing a representation of a decimal integer from the keyboard, and to echo it to standard out.

The integer may commence with a + or a - sign. The number typed at the keyboard must be terminated by pressing 'RETURN'.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
INT n if error is FALSE, the value of the integer read; otherwise undefined
BOOL error FALSE if nothing went wrong in the operation; otherwise TRUE: 1) if the integer read overflows the INT range 2) if a non-numeric character is found in the input string ( other than a + or - in the first character position )

exit.occ:39Process sp.exit

PROC sp.exit (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 status, BYTE result)

Terminate the server.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 status a value which the server passes directly on to the host environment, except in the following two cases: sps.success - a host specific success result is passed on sps.failure - a host specific failure result is passed on
BYTE result equals spr.ok if the operation succeeded; otherwise >= spr.operation.failed - see or iserver documentation for further details

exit.occ:61Process so.exit

PROC so.exit (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 status)

Terminate the server.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 status a value which the server passes directly on to the host environment, except in the following two cases: sps.success - a host specific success result is passed on sps.failure - a host specific failure result is passed on


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL BYTE type, [so.temp.filename.length]BYTE filename, INT32 streamid, BYTE result)

Open a temporary file in mode.

The file will be opened in the current directory. The file name of the temporary file is chosen as follows: the first name tried is TEMP00; if there already exists such a file then TEMP01 is tried; if there already exists such a file then TEMP02 is tried; etc. up to TEMP99 when, if such a file exists then TEM100 is tried, and so on up to TEM999, at which point, if such a file exists, TE1000 is tried, and so on up to TE9999, which is the last name tried, i.e. a maximum of 10,000 possible temporary files can be created by this routine.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL BYTE type either spt.binary or spt.text
[so.temp.filename.length]BYTE filename the name of the file opened
INT32 streamid if result is spr.ok, the identification number of the stream associated with the file that was opened; undefined otherwise
BYTE result spr.ok if all went well; otherwise takes on a value indicating what went wrong: spr.bad.type invalid type spr.notok there are already 10,000 such temp files >=spr.operation.failed the open failed - refer to or iserver documentation for further details

flush.occ:41Process sp.flush

PROC sp.flush (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, BYTE result)

Flush the specified output stream.

To flush means to write out any internally buffered data to the stream that it is associated with. The stream remains open.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the open stream to be flushed
BYTE result equal to spr.ok stream successfully flushed; otherwise >= spr.operation.failed - see or iserver documentation for further details

flush.occ:62Process so.flush

PROC so.flush (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, BYTE result)


PROC (VAL []BYTE from, []INT to)


PROC (VAL []INT from, []BYTE to)

mux.occ:60Process sp.multiplexor

PROC sp.multiplexor (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, []CHAN OF SP from.user, to.user, CHAN OF BOOL stopper)

Multiplex any number of pairs of SP protocol channels onto a single pair of SP protocol channels.

It is an error if the number of channels in from.user is not equal to that in to.user. It is permissible for from.user ( and hence to.user ) to be null arrays. No more than bytes can be buffered as they passes through this routine. Primary input to this routine must be on the guard input channels from.user[ i ] or stopper. Input on from.user[ i ] is stored, output on ts, then a reply is expected on fs; this reply is stored and then output on to.user[ i ], and all this must finish before any new input can be received on any of the from.user channels or stopper. To attempt some degree of fairness, there is a heirarchy of priorities from from.user with index i for SIZE from.user, using modulo SIZE from.user on the indexes, with i starting from 0 and incrementing by one after each input accepted.


CHAN OF SP fs input to this routine
CHAN OF SP ts output from this routine
[]CHAN OF SP from.user input to this routine
[]CHAN OF SP to.user output from this routine
CHAN OF BOOL stopper input to this routine: TRUE or FALSE received on this channel will cause the routine to terminate; this channel has the highest priority amongst the channels

mux.occ:184Process so.multiplexor

PROC so.multiplexor (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, []CHAN OF SP from.user, to.user, CHAN OF BOOL stopper)

wreal64.occ:43Process so.fwrite.real64

PROC so.fwrite.real64 (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL REAL64 r, VAL INT Ip, Dp, BYTE result)

Write a double precision real as decimal ASCII characters to a stream.

Behaves as an invalid process if the string to write is longer than 30 characters.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to write the real to
VAL REAL64 r a double precision real
VAL INT Ip, Dp formatting values; see REAL64TOSTRING for their effect
BYTE result spr.ok if the string representing the real was written; otherwise not all of the characters were written in which case spr.notok

wreal64.occ:75Process so.write.real64

PROC so.write.real64 (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL REAL64 r, VAL INT Ip, Dp)

Write a double precision real as decimal ASCII characters to standard out.

Behaves as an invalid process if the string to write is longer than 30 characters.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL REAL64 r a double precision real
VAL INT Ip, Dp formatting values; see REAL64TOSTRING for their effect


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, INT n, BOOL error)

Read an integer in either ( two's complement ) hexadecimal form or in decimal form from the keyboard, and to echo it to standard out.

The hexadecimal number must begin with one of '#', '$' or '%'; a sign is not allowed ( nor necessary since the most significant bit indicates the sign ). A '#' and '$' mean exactly the same thing: the following digits form a hex integer. A '%' means add the given hex integer to MOSTNEG INT using modulo arithmetic to give the result. Both upper and lower case hex digits are permissible. A sign is allowed in the first character position if it is a decimal integer that is entered. The number typed at the keyboard must be terminated by pressing 'RETURN'.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
INT n if error is FALSE, the value of the integer read; otherwise undefined
BOOL error FALSE if everything was in order; TRUE otherwise: 1) if the integer overflows the INT range; 2a) if it is a hex integer, if there is a non-hex character in the string read from the keyboard ( other than #, $, or % in the first character position ) 2b) if it is a decimal integer, if there is a non-numeric character in the string read from the keyboard ( other than a + or - in the first character position )


PROC (VAL INT32 input.time, []INT date)

Convert the number of seconds since the midnight before 1st January 1970 into the associated time and date.


VAL INT32 input.time the number of seconds since the midnight before 1st January 1970
[]INT date an array of six integers where the elements are, index data 0 seconds past the minute 1 minutes past the hour 2 the hour in the 24 hour clock 3 the day of the month 4 the month, where January is 1 5 the year expressed fully, i.e. 4 digits


PROC (VAL []INT date, VAL BOOL long.years, VAL BOOL days.first, [so.time.string.len]BYTE string)

Format a time and date given in the form of six integers.


VAL []INT date an array of six integers where the elements are, index data 0 seconds past the minute 1 minutes past the hour 2 the hour in the 24 hour clock 3 the day of the month 4 the month, where January is 1 5 the year expressed fully, i.e. 4 digits
VAL BOOL long.years TRUE if a four digit year is desired; FALSE if a two digit year is desired, the digits being the tens and units, followed by two spaces
VAL BOOL days.first TRUE if date to be written with the days preceding the month ( i.e. British format ); FALSE if the month is to precede the days ( i.e. U.S. format )
[so.time.string.len]BYTE string an ASCII string representing the time and date as follows: "HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YY " -- long.years = FALSE; days.first = TRUE "HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY" -- long.years = TRUE; days.first = TRUE "HH:MM:SS MM/DD/YY " -- long.years = FALSE; days.first = FALSE "HH:MM:SS MM/DD/YYYY" -- long.years = TRUE; days.first = FALSE where HH:MM:SS is hours, minutes and seconds, and DD/MM/YY is day, month and year


PROC (VAL INT32 time, VAL BOOL long.years, VAL BOOL days.first, [so.time.string.len]BYTE string)

Convert the number of seconds since the midnight before 1st January 1970 into a formatted time and date


VAL INT32 time the number of seconds since the midnight before 1st January 1970
VAL BOOL long.years TRUE if a four digit year is desired; FALSE if a two digit year is desired, the digits being the tens and units, followed by two spaces
VAL BOOL days.first TRUE if date to be written with the days preceding the month ( i.e. British format ); FALSE if the month is to precede the days ( i.e. U.S. format )
[so.time.string.len]BYTE string an ASCII string representing the time and date as follows: "HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YY " -- long.years = FALSE; days.first = TRUE "HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY" -- long.years = TRUE; days.first = TRUE "HH:MM:SS MM/DD/YY " -- long.years = FALSE; days.first = FALSE "HH:MM:SS MM/DD/YYYY" -- long.years = TRUE; days.first = FALSE where HH:MM:SS is hours, minutes and seconds, and DD/MM/YY is day, month and year


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, []INT date)

Give the time and date, in the form of six integers, of when this routine was called.

If the time and date are unavailable all elements of date are set to zero. Local time is used.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
[]INT date an array of six integers where the elements are, index data 0 seconds past the minute 1 minutes past the hour 2 the hour in the 24 hour clock 3 the day of the month 4 the month, where January is 1 5 the year expressed fully, i.e. 4 digits


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL BOOL long.years, days.first, [so.time.string.len]BYTE string)

Give the time and date, in formatted form, of when this routine was called.

If the time and date are unavailable string is filled with spaces. Local time is used.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL BOOL long.years TRUE if a four digit year is desired; FALSE if a two digit year is desired, the digits being the tens and units, followed by two spaces
VAL BOOL days.first TRUE if date to be written with the days preceding the month ( i.e. British format ); FALSE if the month is to precede the days ( i.e. U.S. format )
[so.time.string.len]BYTE string an ASCII string representing the time and date as follows: "HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YY " -- long.years = FALSE; days.first = TRUE "HH:MM:SS DD/MM/YYYY" -- long.years = TRUE; days.first = TRUE "HH:MM:SS MM/DD/YY " -- long.years = FALSE; days.first = FALSE "HH:MM:SS MM/DD/YYYY" -- long.years = TRUE; days.first = FALSE where HH:MM:SS is hours, minutes and seconds, and DD/MM/YY is day, month and year


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE filename,, VAL BYTE open.type, INT full.len, []BYTE, INT32, BYTE result)

Perform a general purpose open file for reading.

This procedure performs the following actions: 1. An attempt is made to open the file as given by filename ( so if there is no directory part to filename the current directory will be tried ); 2. If the attempt in 1 is not successful and there is no explicit directory part to filename, the path is searched for the file.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL []BYTE filename a string with the name of the file to be opened. There may be an explicit directory part to the file's name.
VAL []BYTE a string holding the name of a path environment variable; there is a limit imposed on the number of characters accepted from sp.getenv for the environment variable contents: the limit is imposed by this routine and is given by 507 ( called path.string.size in the program text ).
VAL BYTE open.type either spt.binary, for a file containing raw bytes only or spt.text, for a file stored as text records separated by newlines
INT full.len the number of characters in if result is spr.ok; undefined otherwise
[]BYTE if result is spr.ok, [ FROM 0 FOR full.len] is the name of the file that was successfully opened; undefined otherwise. clearly should be at least as large as filename.
INT32 if result is spr.ok, the identification number of the stream associated with the file that was opened; undefined otherwise
BYTE result spr.ok if a file was opened successfully; otherwise some value indicating what went wrong: spr.bad.packet.size (SIZE filename) > sp.max.openname.size or (SIZE > sp.max.getenvname.size null file name supplied spr.bad.type invalid file type specified (SIZE not large enough to hold name of a file to open spr.buffer.overflow length of environment string > 507 >=spr.operation.failed the open failed or could not read environment string - see or iserver documentation for more details

version.occ:45Process sp.version

PROC sp.version (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, BYTE version, host, os, board, result)

Return identification information about the server and the host that it is running on.

If any of the information ( except result ) has the value zero then that information is not available. The parameter version cannot distinguish between e.g. 1.41 and 1.42.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
BYTE version on division by 10 this gives the version of the server
BYTE host identifies the host via sph. constants
BYTE os identifies the host environment via spo. constants
BYTE board identifies the interface board via spb. constants
BYTE result spr.ok if the request was successful; otherwise >= spr.operation.failed - refer to or iserver documentation for further details

version.occ:70Process so.version

PROC so.version (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, BYTE version, host, os, board)

Return identification information about the server and the host that it is running on.

If any of the information has the value zero then that information is not available. The parameter version cannot distinguish between e.g. 1.41 and 1.42.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
BYTE version on division by 10 this gives the version of the server
BYTE host identifies the host via sph. constants
BYTE os identifies the host environment via spo. constants
BYTE board identifies the interface board via spb. constants

eof.occ:33Process sp.eof

PROC sp.eof (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, BYTE result)

Test whether the specified stream has end of file status or not.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to test
BYTE result equals spr.ok if end of file status is set; >= spr.operation.failed if the end of file status has not been set

eof.occ:39Process so.eof

PROC so.eof (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, BYTE result)

remove.occ:55Process sp.remove

PROC sp.remove (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE fname, BYTE result)

Delete the specified file.

No path environment variable is used; what is in name is all that is considered.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL []BYTE fname the name of the file to be deleted; the filename must fill all of the bytes of name
BYTE result equals spr.ok if the file was removed; otherwise takes on a value indicating what went wrong: spr.bad.packet.size name too large, (SIZE name) > sp.max.removename.size name is null >=spr.operation.failed the delete failed - see or iserver documentation for further details

remove.occ:75Process so.remove

PROC so.remove (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE name, BYTE result)

wint64.occ:45Process so.fwrite.int64

PROC so.fwrite.int64 (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL INT64 n, VAL INT width, BYTE result)

Write to the specified file stream a 64-bit integer as decimal ASCII digits, padded out with leading spaces and an optional sign to the specified field width.

If the field width is too small for the number, then it is widened as necessary; a zero value for the field width will give minimum width; a negative field width is an error.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to which the string representing the integer is to be sent
VAL INT64 n the 64-bit integer that is desired to be written
VAL INT width the desired field width of the string
BYTE result equal to spr.ok if the string was written all right; otherwise not all of the string could be written, in which case result takes on a value of spr.notok

wint64.occ:95Process so.write.int64

PROC so.write.int64 (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT64 n, VAL INT width)

Write to standard out a 64-bit integer as decimal ASCII digits, padded out with leading spaces and an optional sign to the specified field width.

If the field width is too small for the number, then it is widened as necessary; a zero value for the field width will give minimum width; a negative field width is an error.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT64 n the 64-bit integer that is desired to be written
VAL INT width the desired field width of the string

wreal32.occ:43Process so.fwrite.real32

PROC so.fwrite.real32 (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL REAL32 r, VAL INT Ip, Dp, BYTE result)

Write a single precision real as decimal ASCII characters to a stream.

Behaves as an invalid process if the string to write is longer than 24 characters.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to write the real to
VAL REAL32 r a single precision real
VAL INT Ip, Dp formatting values; see REAL32TOSTRING for their effect
BYTE result spr.ok if the string representing the real was written; otherwise not all of the characters were written in which case spr.notok

wreal32.occ:75Process so.write.real32

PROC so.write.real32 (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL REAL32 r, VAL INT Ip, Dp)

Write a single precision real as decimal ASCII characters to standard out.

Behaves as an invalid process if the string to write is longer than 24 characters.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL REAL32 r a single precision real
VAL INT Ip, Dp formatting values; see REAL32TOSTRING for their effect

puts.occ:42Process sp.puts

PROC sp.puts (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL []BYTE data, BYTE result)

Write a line to the specified output stream.

A newline sequence is added to the end of the bytes to be written.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to be written to
VAL []BYTE data the line to be written ( without a terminating newline sequence )
BYTE result equal to spr.ok if the line was successfully written; otherwise takes on a value indicating what was wrong: spr.bad.packet.size too many bytes supplied, (SIZE data) > sp.max.writebuffer.size >=spr.operation.failed the write failed - see or iserver documentation for further details

puts.occ:55Process so.puts

PROC so.puts (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL []BYTE data, BYTE result)


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, INT, []BYTE data)

Read an unlimited number of bytes from a stream.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the open stream to be read from
INT this gives the number of bytes read from the file; these bytes will be [data FROM 0 FOR]; if <> (SIZE data) then either an error occurred or the end of the file was reached.
[]BYTE data this contains the bytes read from the file; the number of bytes requested to be read is (SIZE data).


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, INT32 n, BOOL error)

Read a 32-bit integer in ( two's complement ) hexadecimal form from the keyboard, and to echo it to standard out.

The hexadecimal number must begin with one of '#', '$' or '%'; a sign is not allowed ( nor necessary since the most significant bit indicates the sign ). A '#' and '$' mean exactly the same thing: the following digits form a hex integer. A '%' means add the given hex integer to MOSTNEG INT32 using modulo arithmetic to give the result. Both upper and lower case hex digits are permissible. The number typed at the keyboard must be terminated by pressing 'RETURN'.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
INT32 n if error is FALSE, the value of the hexadecimal number read; otherwise undefined
BOOL error FALSE if everything was in order; TRUE otherwise: 1) if the integer overflows the INT32 range; 2) if there is a non-hex character in the string read from the keyboard ( other than #, $, or % in the first character position )

rename.occ:34Process OC.frename

PROC OC.frename (INT result, VAL[]BYTE oldname, VAL[]BYTE newname)

rename.occ:56Process sp.rename

PROC sp.rename (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE oldfname, newfname, BYTE result)

Rename the specified file.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL []BYTE oldfname the present name of the file to be renamed
VAL []BYTE newfname the desired name of the file to be renamed
BYTE result equals spr.ok if the renaming was successful; otherwise takes on a value indicating what went wrong: spr.bad.packet.size the combined lengths of oldname and newname is too large - it must be less than sp.max.renamename.size either or both of the filenames are null >=spr.operation.failed the renaming failed - see or iserver documentation for further details

rename.occ:76Process so.rename

PROC so.rename (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE oldname, newname, BYTE result)


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, INT n, BOOL error)

Read an integer in ( two's complement ) hexadecimal form from the keyboard, and to echo it to standard out.

The hexadecimal number must begin with one of '#', '$' or '%'; a sign is not allowed ( nor necessary since the most significant bit indicates the sign ). A '#' and '$' mean exactly the same thing: the following digits form a hex integer. A '%' means add the given hex integer to MOSTNEG INT using modulo arithmetic to give the result. Both upper and lower case hex digits are permissible. The number typed at the keyboard must be terminated by pressing 'RETURN'.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
INT n if error is FALSE, the value of the hexadecimal number read; otherwise undefined
BOOL error FALSE if everything was in order; TRUE otherwise: 1) if the integer overflows the INT range; 2) if there is a non-hex character in the string read from the keyboard ( other than #, $, or % in the first character position )

exists.occ:36Process so.test.exists

PROC so.test.exists (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE filename, BOOL exists)

Test for the existence of a file.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL []BYTE filename the name of the file to test for the existence of. The name of the file must fit exactly into filename, i.e. there are (SIZE filename) characters in the name of the file. A directory specification may form part of filename.
BOOL exists TRUE if the file exists; FALSE otherwise

buffer.occ:42Process sp.buffer

PROC sp.buffer (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, from.user, to.user, CHAN OF BOOL stopper)

Act as a communication buffer.

No more than bytes can be buffered. Primary input to this routine must be on the guard input channels from.user or stopper. Input on from.user is stored, output on ts, then a reply is expected on fs; this reply is stored and then output on to.user, and all this must finish before any new input can be received on from.user or stopper.


CHAN OF SP fs input to this routine
CHAN OF SP ts output from this routine
CHAN OF SP from.user input to this routine
CHAN OF SP to.user output from this routine
CHAN OF BOOL stopper input to this routine; TRUE or FALSE received will terminate this routine

buffer.occ:71Process so.buffer

PROC so.buffer (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, from.user, to.user, CHAN OF BOOL stopper)


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, INT, []BYTE data, BYTE result)

Read a limited number of bytes from a stream.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the open stream to be read from
INT if result is spr.ok then this gives the number of bytes read from the file; these bytes will be [data FROM 0 FOR]; if <> (SIZE data) then either an error occurred or the end of the file was reached. If result is not spr.ok then will be zero. 0 <= <= sp.max.readbuffer.size
[]BYTE data if result is spr.ok then this contains the bytes read from the file; otherwise it is undefined. The number of bytes requested to be read is (SIZE data); the limit to this is sp.max.readbuffer.size.
BYTE result equal to spr.bad.packet.size if too many bytes asked for ie (SIZE data) > sp.max.readbuffer.size, otherwise it is equal to spr.ok


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, INT len, []BYTE line, BYTE result)

Read a line from the keyboard, echoing it to standard out.

The line to be read is considered terminated by a carriage return, ie ASCII ^M, which has value #0D = 13. This carriage return is not included in the line, and nor is a newline ( ASCII ^J, #0A = 10 ) if present in the input. Carriage return and newline are not echoed. If an error occurs whilst reading the line this routine terminates immediately.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
INT len the number of bytes in line that form the line that was read
[]BYTE line if result = spr.ok, the line that was read is in the first len bytes, the remaining bytes being undefined or if the supplied byte array was not large enough for the read line, the read line is truncated to fit; otherwise undefined
BYTE result spr.ok if no problems encountered; otherwise >= spr.operation.failed - refer to or iserver documentation for further details


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, INT64 n, BOOL error)

Read a 64-bit integer in ( two's complement ) hexadecimal form from the keyboard, and to echo it to standard out.

The hexadecimal number must begin with one of '#', '$' or '%'; a sign is not allowed ( nor necessary since the most significant bit indicates the sign ). A '#' and '$' mean exactly the same thing: the following digits form a hex integer. A '%' means add the given hex integer to MOSTNEG INT64 using modulo arithmetic to give the result. Both upper and lower case hex digits are permissible. The number typed at the keyboard must be terminated by pressing 'RETURN'.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
INT64 n if error is FALSE, the value of the hexadecimal number read; otherwise undefined
BOOL error FALSE if everything was in order; TRUE otherwise: 1) if the integer overflows the INT64 range; 2) if there is a non-hex character in the string read from the keyboard ( other than #, $, or % in the first character position )

wstring.occ:50Process so.write.string

PROC so.write.string (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE string)

Write a string to standard out.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL []BYTE string the string to be written, which can be any length

wstring.occ:68Process so.write.char

PROC so.write.char (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL BYTE char)

Write a single character to standard out.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL BYTE char the single character to write


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE string)

Write a string appended by a newline to standard out.

The newline sequence is appended by this routine.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL []BYTE string the string to be written, which can be any length


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts)

Write a newline to standard out.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server

time.occ:43Process sp.time

PROC sp.time (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, INT32 localtime, UTCtime, BYTE result)

Retrieve the local and UTC time from the host system.

Both times are expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight on the 1st of January, 1970, and are given as unsigned INT32s UTC time used to be known as Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT )


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
INT32 localtime the local time
INT32 UTCtime the Coordinated Universal Time, if available; zero if not available
BYTE result spr.ok if operation successful; otherwise >= spr.operation.failed - refer to or iserver documentation for details

time.occ:62Process so.time

PROC so.time (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, INT32 localtime, UTCtime)

Retrieve the local and UTC time from the host system.

Both times are expressed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight on the 1st of January, 1970, and are given as unsigned INT32s UTC time used to be known as Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT )


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
INT32 localtime the local time
INT32 UTCtime the Coordinated Universal Time, if available; zero if not available

spsocore.occ:51Process sp.core

PROC sp.core (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 offset, INT, []BYTE data, BYTE result)

Return the contents of the root transputer's memory as peeked from the transputer when the server was invoked with the analyse option.

If offset + (SIZE data) is larger than the total memory peeked then only those bytes from offset up to the end of that memory peeked are returned in data. If both offset and SIZE data are zero, the routine fails if the memory was not peeked, succeeds otherwise.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 offset this gives the offset from base of memory ( (MOSTNEG INT) ) of the memory segment to be read ( so offset should be non-negative ); result will be >= spr.operation.failed if offset is larger than the amount of memory that was peeked
INT the number of bytes read, which will be [data FROM 0 FOR], if result = spr.ok; otherwise will be zero
[]BYTE data contains the contents of the memory read; (SIZE data) is the amount of memory in bytes that is requested to be read
BYTE result equal to spr.ok if the peeked memory was successfully returned; otherwise takes on a value indicating what the problem was: spr.bad.packet.size data is too large, (SIZE data) > sp.max.corerequest.size >=spr.operation.failed the operation failed or the transputer was not analysed when the server was invoked or offset is greater than the amount of memory peeked - refer to or iserver documentation for further details

spsocore.occ:58Process so.core

PROC so.core (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 offset, INT, []BYTE data, BYTE result)


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL INT n, width, BYTE result)

Write an integer as hexadecimal ASCII characters preceded by the '#' character to a stream.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to write to
VAL INT n the integer to write out
VAL INT width the field width to use when writing the hex; if width is larger than the size of the number then the number is padded with leading 0's or F's as appropriate; if width is smaller than the size of the number then the number is truncated at the left to width characters; width does not take the '#' into account; a negative field width is an error
BYTE result spr.ok if the integer was successfully written; otherwise not all of the string could be written, in which case result takes on a value of spr.notok


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT n, width)

Write an integer as hexadecimal ASCII characters preceded by the '#' character to standard out.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT n the integer to write out
VAL INT width the field width to use when writing the hex; if width is larger than the size of the number then the number is padded with leading 0's or F's as appropriate; if width is smaller than the size of the number then the number is truncated at the left to width characters; width does not take the '#' into account; a negative field width is an error

open.occ:35Process OC.fopen

PROC OC.fopen (INT32 handle, VAL[]BYTE name, VAL[2]BYTE mode)


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE fname, VAL BYTE type, mode, INT32 streamid, BYTE result)

Open a file.

No path environment variable is used to locate the file; what is in name is all that is used ( cf. )


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL []BYTE fname the name of the file to be opened. The name of the file must fit exactly into name, i.e. there are (SIZE name) characters in the name of the file. A directory specification may form part of name.
VAL BYTE type either spt.binary, for a file containing raw bytes only or spt.text, for a file stored as text records separated by newlines
VAL BYTE mode one of spm.input open existing file for reading spm.output open new file, or truncate existing one, for writing spm.append open new file, or append to existing one, for writing spm.existing.update open existing file for update ( reading and writing ), starting at the beginning of the file open new file, or truncate existing one, for update spm.append.update open new file, or append to existing one, for update When a file is opened for update then the resulting stream may be used for input and output.
INT32 streamid if result is spr.ok, the identification number of the stream associated with the file that was opened; undefined otherwise
BYTE result spr.ok if the file was successfully opened; otherwise it takes on a value indicating what went wrong: spr.bad.packet.size name too large: (SIZE name) > sp.max.openname.size null file name spr.bad.type invalid type spr.bad.mode invalid mode >=spr.operation.failed the open failed - see or iserver documentation for further details


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE name, VAL BYTE type, mode, INT32 streamid, BYTE result)

whint64.occ:48Process so.fwrite.hex.int64

PROC so.fwrite.hex.int64 (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL INT64 n, VAL INT width, BYTE result)

Write a 64-bit integer as hexadecimal ASCII characters preceded by the '#' character to a file.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to write to
VAL INT64 n the 64-bit integer to write out
VAL INT width the field width to use when writing the hex; if width is larger than the size of the number then the number is padded with leading 0's or F's as appropriate; if width is smaller than the size of the number then the number is truncated at the left to width characters; width does not take the '#' into account; a negative field width is an error
BYTE result spr.ok if the integer was successfully written; otherwise not all of the string could be written, in which case result takes on a value of spr.notok

whint64.occ:129Process so.write.hex.int64

PROC so.write.hex.int64 (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT64 n, VAL INT width)

Write a 64-bit integer as hexadecimal ASCII characters preceded by the '#' character to standard out.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT64 n the 64-bit integer to write out
VAL INT width the field width to use when writing the hex; if width is larger than the size of the number then the number is padded with leading 0's or F's as appropriate; if width is smaller than the size of the number then the number is truncated at the left to width characters; width does not take the '#' into account; a negative field width is an error

whint32.occ:44Process so.fwrite.hex.int32

PROC so.fwrite.hex.int32 (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, n, VAL INT width, BYTE result)

Write a 32-bit integer as hexadecimal ASCII characters preceded by the '#' character to a file.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to write to
VAL INT32 n the 32-bit integer to write out
VAL INT width the field width to use when writing the hex; if width is larger than the size of the number then the number is padded with leading 0's or F's as appropriate; if width is smaller than the size of the number then the number is truncated at the left to width characters; width does not take the '#' into account; a negative field width is an error
BYTE result spr.ok if the integer was successfully written; otherwise not all of the string could be written, in which case result takes on a value of spr.notok

whint32.occ:118Process so.write.hex.int32

PROC so.write.hex.int32 (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 n, VAL INT width)

Write a 32-bit integer as hexadecimal ASCII characters preceded by the '#' character to standard out.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 n the 32-bit integer to write out
VAL INT width the field width to use when writing the hex; if width is larger than the size of the number then the number is padded with leading 0's or F's as appropriate; if width is smaller than the size of the number then the number is truncated at the left to width characters; width does not take the '#' into account; a negative field width is an error


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, REAL64 n, BOOL error)

Read a string containing a representation of a double precision real in occam syntax ( though a + or - is allowed as first character ) from the keyboard and to echo it to standard out.

The number typed at the keyboard must be terminated by pressing 'RETURN'.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
REAL64 n if error is FALSE, the IEEE double precision format of the real that was read, otherwise undefined
BOOL error FALSE if the real was read and converted to binary without problem; TRUE otherwise - if the string read does not conform to the syntax of an occam real number, other than the fact that a plus or minus sign is allowed as the first character

sowrite.occ:37Process so.write

PROC so.write (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL []BYTE data, INT length)

Write an unlimited number of bytes to a stream.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the open stream to write to
VAL []BYTE data a string of bytes ALL of which are to be written to the file
INT length this gives the number of bytes written; if length <> (SIZE data) then an error occurred


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, INT32 n, BOOL error)

Read a string containing a representation of a 32-bit decimal integer from the keyboard, and to echo it to standard out.

The integer may commence with a + or a - sign. The number typed at the keyboard must be terminated by pressing 'RETURN'.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
INT32 n if error is FALSE, the value of the integer read; undefined otherwise
BOOL error FALSE if nothing went wrong in the operation; otherwise TRUE: 1) if the integer read overflows the INT32 range 2) if a non-numeric character is found in the input string ( other than a + or - in the first character position )

command.occ:34Process OC.comdline

PROC OC.comdline (INT result, VAL INT all, INT len, []BYTE block)

command.occ:66Process sp.commandline

PROC sp.commandline (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL BYTE all, INT length, []BYTE string, BYTE result)

Return the command line passed to the server on invocation.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL BYTE all either sp.short.commandline, remove the server's own name, its recognised options and their parameters or sp.whole.commandline, the entire command line
INT length the number of bytes returned in string, starting from string[ 0 ], being zero in the case of result >= spr.operation.failed
[]BYTE string contains the requested command line if result = spr.ok; contains a truncation of the requested command line if result = spr.buffer.overflow; is undefined otherwise. There is no restriction on the size of string.
BYTE result equal to spr.ok if the command line was successfully returned; otherwise takes on a value indicating what went wrong: spr.buffer.overflow string is not long enough to contain the command line, but the latter has been truncated to fit >=spr.operation.failed the operation failed - refer to or iserver documentation for further details

command.occ:79Process so.commandline

PROC so.commandline (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL BYTE all, INT length, []BYTE string, BYTE result)


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, offset, origin, BYTE result)

Set the file position for the specified stream.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the open stream associated with the file the position of which is to be set
VAL INT32 offset the offset from origin of the new position for reading or writing. For a binary file the new position will be offset bytes, perhaps negative, from the position defined by origin. For a text file offset must be zero or a value returned by so.tell; in the latter case origin must be spo.start, and offset greater than or equal to zero.
VAL INT32 origin one of spo.start the start of the file spo.current the current position in the file spo.end the end of the file
BYTE result equal to spr.ok if the file position was successfully set; otherwise takes on a value indicating what the problem was: spr.bad.origin invalid origin >=spr.operation.failed the seek failed - see or iserver documentation for further details


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, offset, origin, BYTE result)

packet.occ:34Process sp.send.packet

PROC sp.send.packet (CHAN OF SP ts, VAL []BYTE packet, BOOL error)

Send an SP protocol packet.


CHAN OF SP ts the channel on which to send the packet
VAL []BYTE packet the packet to send
BOOL error FALSE if the packet size is greater than or equal to, and is less than or equal to, and is even; TRUE otherwise, in which case the packet is not sent

packet.occ:54Process sp.receive.packet

PROC sp.receive.packet (CHAN OF SP fs, INT16 length, []BYTE packet, BOOL error)

Receive an SP protocol packet.


CHAN OF SP fs the channel on which to receive the packet
INT16 length the number of bytes in the received packet
[]BYTE packet the received packet, left justified
BOOL error TRUE if length is greater than; FALSE otherwise


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL INT n, width, BYTE result)

Write to the specified file stream an integer as decimal ASCII digits, padded out with leading spaces and an optional sign to the specified field width.

If the field width is too small for the number, then it is widened as necessary; a zero value for the field width will give minimum width; a negative value is an error.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to which the string representing the integer is to be sent
VAL INT n the integer that is desired to be written
VAL INT width the desired field width of the string
BYTE result equal to spr.ok if the string was written all right; otherwise not all of the string could be written, in which case result takes on a value of spr.notok


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT n, width)

Write to standard out an integer as decimal ASCII digits, padded out with leading spaces and an optional sign to the specified field width.

If the field width is too small for the number, then it is widened as necessary; a zero value for the field width will give minimum width; a negative field width is an error.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT n the integer that is desired to be written
VAL INT width the desired field width of the string


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, INT len, []BYTE line, BYTE result)

Read a line from the keyboard without echoing it.

The line to be read is considered terminated by a carriage return, ie ASCII ^M, which has value #0D = 13. This carriage return is not included in the line, and nor is a newline ( ASCII ^J, #0A = 10 ) if present in the input. If an error occurs whilst reading the line this routine terminates immediately.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
INT len the number of bytes in the parameter line that form the line that was read
[]BYTE line if result = spr.ok, the line that was read is in the first len bytes, the remaining bytes being undefined or if the supplied byte array was not large enough for the read line, the read line is truncated to fit; otherwise undefined
BYTE result spr.ok if the line was successfully read; otherwise >= spr.operation.failed - see or iserver documentation for further details

system.occ:34Process OC.system

PROC OC.system (INT result, INT32 status, VAL []BYTE block)

system.occ:54Process sp.system

PROC sp.system (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE command, INT32 status, BYTE result)

Execute a command on the host system.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL []BYTE command the command to be executed, which may be null
INT32 status if command is not null and result is spr.ok then this is the return value of the command, which is host dependent
BYTE result equal to spr.ok if a host command processor exists; otherwise: spr.bad.packet.size command too large, (SIZE command) > sp.max.systemcommand.size >=spr.operation.failed the operation failed - see or iserver documentation for further details

system.occ:73Process so.system

PROC so.system (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL []BYTE command, INT32 status, BYTE result)

fwstring.occ:54Process so.fwrite.string

PROC so.fwrite.string (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL []BYTE string, BYTE result)

Write a string to a stream.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to write the string to
VAL []BYTE string the string to be written, which can be any length
BYTE result spr.ok if the string was written; spr.notok if not all of the string was written

fwstring.occ:107Process so.fwrite.char

PROC so.fwrite.char (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL BYTE char, BYTE result)

Write a single character to a stream.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to write to
VAL BYTE char the single character to write
BYTE result spr.ok if the character was written; otherwise spr.notok


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, VAL []BYTE string, BYTE result)

Write a string appended by a newline to a stream.

The newline sequence is appended by this routine.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to write the string to
VAL []BYTE string the string to be written, which can be any length
BYTE result spr.ok if the string was successfully written; spr.notok if not all of the string was written; if >= spr.operation.failed refer to or iserver documentation for further details


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, BYTE result)

Write a newline to a stream.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to write to
BYTE result spr.ok if the newline was successfully written; otherwise >= spr.operation.failed - refer to or iserver documentation for further details

wint32.occ:45Process so.fwrite.int32

PROC so.fwrite.int32 (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, n, VAL INT width, BYTE result)

Write to the specified file stream a 32-bit integer as decimal ASCII digits, padded out with leading spaces and an optional sign to the specified field width.

If the field width is too small for the number, then it is widened as necessary; a zero value for the field width will give minimum width; a negative field width is an error.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the stream to which the string representing the integer is to be sent
VAL INT32 n the 32-bit integer that is desired to be written
VAL INT width the desired field width of the string
BYTE result equal to spr.ok if the string was written all right; otherwise not all of the string could be written, in which case result takes on a value of spr.notok

wint32.occ:94Process so.write.int32

PROC so.write.int32 (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 n, VAL INT width)

Write to standard out a 32-bit integer as decimal ASCII digits, padded out with leading spaces and an optional sign to the specified field width.

If the field width is too small for the number, then it is widened as necessary; a zero value for the field width will give minimum width; a negative field width is an error.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 n the 32-bit integer that is desired to be written
VAL INT width the desired field width of the string


PROC (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, REAL32 n, BOOL error)

Read a string containing a representation of a single precision real in occam syntax ( though a + or - is allowed as first character ) from the keyboard and to echo it to standard out.

The number typed at the keyboard must be terminated by pressing 'RETURN'.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
REAL32 n if error is FALSE, the IEEE single precision format of the real that was read, otherwise undefined
BOOL error FALSE if the real was read and converted to binary without problem; TRUE otherwise - if the string read does not conform to the syntax of an occam real number, other than the fact that a plus or minus sign is allowed as the first character

ovmux.occ:69Process sp.overlapped.multiplexor

PROC sp.overlapped.multiplexor (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, []CHAN OF SP from.user, to.user, CHAN OF BOOL stopper, []INT queue)

Multiplex any number of pairs of SP protocol channels onto a single pair of SP protocol channels, where the multiplexing is overlapped so that output through this routine can continue independently of the receipt of replies.

It is an error if the size of from.user is different to that of to.user. It is permissible for the size of from.user ( and hence to.user ) to be zero. The maximum number of bytes that can be channelled through this routine in each direction is It is assumed that replies for messages are received in the same sequence as the messages are sent. To attempt some degree of fairness, there is a heirarchy of priorities from from.user with index i for SIZE from.user, using modulo SIZE from.user on the indexes, with i starting from 0 and incrementing by one after each input accepted.


CHAN OF SP fs input to this routine
CHAN OF SP ts output from this routine
[]CHAN OF SP from.user input to this routine
[]CHAN OF SP to.user output from this routine
CHAN OF BOOL stopper input to this routine: TRUE or FALSE received on this channel will cause the routine to stop listening on the from.user channels and wait until all replies have been received before terminating; stopper has the highest priority amongst the channels
[]INT queue the values in queue on entry are irrelevant but the size of it is the maximum number of communications that can be output through this routine before a reply is received and to be passed back; the values in queue on termination are equally irrelevant; queue is used for storage only; if it is of zero length then no communication can be done and the routine simply waits on stopper for an input which immediately causes termination of this routine

ovmux.occ:200Process so.overlapped.multiplexor

PROC so.overlapped.multiplexor (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, []CHAN OF SP from.user, to.user, CHAN OF BOOL stopper, []INT queue)

close.occ:41Process sp.close

PROC sp.close (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, BYTE result)

Close a stream.

Before closing the stream unwritten data is flushed or any unread buffered input is discarded.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the open stream to be closed
BYTE result equal to spr.ok if the stream closed properly; otherwise >= spr.operation.failed - refer to or iserver documentation for further details

close.occ:57Process so.close

PROC so.close (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, BYTE result)

tell.occ:39Process sp.tell

PROC sp.tell (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, INT32 position, BYTE result)

Return the current file position for the specified stream.


CHAN OF SP fs from server
CHAN OF SP ts to server
VAL INT32 streamid the identification number of the open stream associated whith the file the reading/writing position of which is desired
INT32 position the current file position
BYTE result equal to spr.ok if the file position determined; otherwise >= spr.operation.failed - refer to or iserver documentation for further details

tell.occ:52Process so.tell

PROC so.tell (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, VAL INT32 streamid, INT32 position, BYTE result)

primux.occ:59Process sp.pri.multiplexor

PROC sp.pri.multiplexor (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, []CHAN OF SP from.user, to.user, CHAN OF BOOL stopper)

Multiplex any number of pairs of SP protocol channels onto a single pair of SP protocol channels.

There is a relative priority to the input channels: from.user[ i ] is of higher priority than from.user[ j ] where i < j.

It is an error if the number of channels in from.user is different to that in to.user. It is permissible for the number of channels in from.user ( and hence also to.user ) to be zero. No more than bytes can be buffered as they passes through this routine. Primary input to this routine must be on the guard input channels from.user[ i ] or stopper. Input on from.user[ i ] is stored, output on ts, then a reply is expected on fs; this reply is stored and then output on to.user[ i ], and all this must finish before any new input can be received on any of the from.user channels or stopper.


CHAN OF SP fs input to this routine
CHAN OF SP ts output from this routine
[]CHAN OF SP from.user input to this routine
[]CHAN OF SP to.user output from this routine
CHAN OF BOOL stopper input to this routine: TRUE or FALSE received on this channel will cause the routine to terminate; this channel has the lowest priority of all input channels.

primux.occ:116Process so.pri.multiplexor

PROC so.pri.multiplexor (CHAN OF SP fs, ts, []CHAN OF SP from.user, to.user, CHAN OF BOOL stopper)