I've seen this trail. But I'm not sure what you are trying to do. If it's to port occam to ARM - good idea. The best way to do this is to retarget the back-end of the occam compiler. You'll also need a runtime for the scheduling instructions. I've recently done a compiler for a simple language that targets a subset of ARM Thumb instructions - details attached. It has a codebuffer that deals with all of the constant pool issues. The instruction subset works on all current ARMs (I think). The language is the sequential subset of the one I used during the design of the XMOS architecture. I did this to teach students about computer architecture and compilers - but it's probably useful in other contexts! I'm working on a much simpler architecture than the ARM subset - one that also supports concurrency with thousands of cores. And in the meantime it would be great to get occam compiled to ARM, raspberry-pi etc. Also - I suspect a carefully written transputer simulator would run quite fast on a modern processor. The simulator I've attached (for the ARM subset) runs at over 100MIPS on my ageing MacBook - so the compiler will bootstrap using the simulator in under 0.5 seconds. Best wishes David 1. A description of the language, thumb subset and compiler - xarmnotes.pdf 2. A simulator - armsim.c - that executes a binary in a.bin. This uses another file - armexec.c which is generated by another program - armsgen.c (you only need this if you want to modify the simulator). 3. A compiler binary - xarm.bin 4. A compiler source - xarm.x 5. Another compiler source that generates assembly code (for which we have no assembler right now) which is easy to read. 6. A source produced using a formatter and latex - xarm.pdf. To make this lot work, you have to compile the simulator using (eg) gcc armsim.c Then you can copy xarm.bin to a.bin: cp xarm.bin a.bin and run the simulator; the compiler binary expects source from standard input so the command is: a.out <xarm.x This will produce a binary output in a file called sim2. You can copy sim2 to a.bin and compile again: cp sim2 a.bin a.out <xarm.x You should be able to do this over and over again with the same result. To see what is being compiled, you can compile xarma.x: a.out <xarma.x Now you can copy sim2 to a.bin and compile again: cp sim2 a.bin a.out <xarm.x This will produce the assembly code for the compiler, corresponding to the code that is being executed by the simulator. I also have versions that produce different loader formats etc - as the compiler actually produces position-independent binary in its codebuffer it should be fairly easy to bootstrap it to produce anything you want. I have not tried executing the compiler on a real ARM although I have run some simple programs. It has an (undocumented) feature - if you use a constant as an array the compiler will generate memory accesses relative to the value of the constant - this provides for memory mapped i/o. Also if you use a constant as a procedure or function the compiler generates an SVC - this is used in the simulator to do file i/o. The compiler has some rough edges especially in error reporting. I'm gradually tidying it up. Best wishes David |
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On 28 Jun 2013, at 17:02, Ruth Ivimey-Cook wrote: