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Re: Beginner in Occam

On Jun 4, 2008, at 3:05 AM, fnl1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I am Farah , recently joined PhD research in University of Leicester. My area is Programming Safety critical embedded systems using CSP and Occam. After going through some literature review , I wanted to get some hands on experience , so installed KROC on Fedora and trying its examples , Can any one please help me in moving on further on Occam platform, which books to follow and how

The old occam 2.1 reference manual [http://www.wotug.org/occam/ documentation/oc21refman.pdf] is an invaluable reference for the basics of the language. It can be supplemented with Fred Barnes' "occam extensions" webpage [http://frmb.org/occ21-extensions.html] to cover the differences between occam and occam-pi.

Daniel Hyde has a nice tutorial introduction to occam programming located at www.eg.bucknell.edu/~cs366/occam.pdf

"Programming in occam 2", by Geraint Jones and Michael Goldsmith, is an old but still good introductory text on occam programming. It's even available online these days, at http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/ people/geraint.jones/publications/book/Pio2/. The Transterpreter folks have assembled a list of other occam-related books that are available online at http://www.transterpreter.org/docs/booksonline.html

For the embedded side of things, Burns and Wellings' "Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages" [http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/rts/ RTSBookThirdEdition.html] includes some information on using occam in a real-time setting.

Hope that helps!
