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MS HPC: You heard it first at WOTUG

I'm sorry I caused so much offence by suggesting camping; there are some 
very good Physics conferences which run that way. 

To help you all feel more mainstream, you might have seen the top article 
in "The Register" on Friday:

You will be glad to know that Simon Cox phoned me that afternoon to remind 
me that the "lot of the basic work" they mention was first published at 
  Cox, S. J., Nicole, D. A. and Takeda, K. (1998) 
  "Commodity High Performance Computing at Commodity Prices".


Denis A Nicole              WWW:   http://www.hpcc.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~dan
School of Electronics       Email: dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
       & Computer Science   Phone: +44 23 8059 2703
University of Southampton   Fax:   +44 23 8059 3045
SO17  1BJ
United Kingdom