Hi, On Wed, Sep 21, 2005 at 10:46:47AM +0200, Koehne Kai wrote: > I am just starting to work on my master thesis that aims to extend > Occam to become a useful coordination language for Grid Computing. > I already read a lot about CSP, Occam and diverse extensions of it. > However, I think that I am still missing answers to an important > question: What are the main advantages/disadvantages of the CSP > approach in contrast to concurrent object oriented aproaches? > > My perception is that CSP just feels more "natural" when it comes > to concurrent programming, but I am sure that there are a lot more > sound and sophisticated opinions on this topic 'out there'. The > only reasoning I am aware of is in a presentation of Peter Welch > called "Communicating Processes, Components and Scaleable Systems" > where he states that OO is not providing "real" data encapsulation. > I would be very grateful if you could provide me hints on further > comparisons ... I had a waffle in my blog the other night about OO and CSP (had been brewing for a while). It's not official or particularly formal, but might be intersting/useful: http://frmb.org/lifestuff.html Cheers, -- Fred
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