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Re: Occam-Tau - the natural successor to Occam-Pi - or is there one already?

On Oct 3, 2012, at 1:25 AM, Eric Verhulst (OLS) <eric.verhulst@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The bad news is that these chips are terribly complex to program. Silicon gates are supposed to be free, so the hardware has zillions of options.  To understand the issue: the TI chips can route some 1000 interrupts to each core (using a 3 layer interrupt controller). Obviously, interrupt latency is still good, but relatively slower than on the much simpler ARM M3. The point is that a simple PRI ALT will not do the job. Two priorities are not sufficient. It worked more or less on the transputer because this chip had only one event pin. Impressive as the performance was at the time, it was still lacking for hard real-time when tens of processes were competing for the CPU. 32 to 256 priorities are needed to manage all the on-chip resources more or less satisfactorily.
So, it looks like the occam-restaurant is still at the end of the universe as Douglas Adams would have said. And looking at this discussion, the babelfish isn't helping very much.
Have fun,

Simple design answer: a chip (like the XMOS or Adapteva?) with a boundary of (say) 28 cores, each serving a single event/interrupt/link. Two-level PRI PAR independently on each core, so that each boundary core is absolutely responsive to its event. Extremely fast internal comms between cores, and hardware FIFOs between the boundary cores and the 36 internal cores, so that the reliably captured hard IO can handle slight delays before soft processing.

The reason I resist multiple hard priorities is that I think that solution is mostly a chimera. The top guy is OK, but number 2 and below swiftly become subject to occasional bad delays (when the interrupts happen to fall on top of each other). "[T]ens of processes … competing for the CPU" are only a real-time problem if they depend on lots of independent asynchronous stimuli (given a fast CPU). Multicore, which was not available in the time of the Transputer (except in the form of multiple Transputers, which was way expensive) lets you be responsive to all the stimuli independently.
