Dear all, This is a quick mail to inform you about an RA position currently being advertised, in the area of concurrency and operating-systems. It essentially involves developing concurrent OS components, design tools and demonstrators, for a 3-year EPSRC funded project. The ideas are based around those of occam, occam-pi, CSP and the pi-calculus, and not entirely unlike MSR's 'Singularity' project. The work will initially target PC/104 embedded systems. Details regarding the post can be found at: Details regarding the project generally can be found at: (general page) (case for support) (earlier paper) Closing date for applications is the 25th August (apologies for the short notice, feel free to get in touch if you're interested). I'd be grateful if you could pass this onto any PhD students/graduates or others who might be interested in this (salary in the range 22-26k GBP). Given that the project involves lots of coding, strong programming skills are a must; experience with occam-pi and 'process-oriented' concurrency less so (some learning-time is built into the project). Many thanks, -- Fred
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