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RE: Concurrency, Exceptions and Poison


I was thinking about a different approach for dealing with exceptions.

Poison channels are symmetric in the same way as any channel and
preserves existing algebraic laws. However, exceptions are not really
symmetric-they are usually asymmetric. Like a divide-by-zero, exceptions
may occur somewhere in the code and are not necessarily triggered by
channels. Roscoe wrote in his book "The Theory and Practice of
Concurrency" (p.58) that communication in CSP is symmetric and that
channels are just a gloss on this. I argue that Exceptions are
asymmetric and therefore I suggest that exceptions are not communication
At a higher abstraction, we could omit the source (i.e., the invalid
instructions or statements) of exceptions and consider the end of the
sequential process. Therefore, I suggest that an exception is visible as
a termination event marked as unsuccessful. Hmmm, now exceptions can be
considered as events being symmetric :).

An example:

P || Q

A divide-by-zero occurs in process P and after the illegal instruction
the code immediately jumps to the end of P. This only happens within the
sequential process and the exception is not in the alphabet of P. The
divide-by-zero is unhandled. Thus, P terminates unsuccessfully.
Fortunately, a termination event is also no in the alphabet of P.

We can go further. Depending on the type of unsuccessfulness (or
unhandled exception) the || could terminate unsuccessfully as well. This
is discussed later.

Now, consider the CSP interrupt operator P ^i Q. If Q can engage in
event i then this process behaves as Q; otherwise as P. Somehow, the
interrupt operator can break process P. I think this is useful for
handling exceptions, but we may need a simpler form of ^i.

What I mean is: Is there a legal sub-operator conform P ^i Q that can
handle purely unsuccessful terminations? Thus, event i represents an
unsuccessful termination event (i.e., a exception event or internal
event) of P. Communication events are omitted for now.

So, consider the new operator P ^ Q. This process behaves as Q if P
unsuccessfully terminates. Event i is not shown, because it only
represents the unsuccessful termination of P. 

This operator would be very useful!!!!!!

The following example shows how P handles an exception and results in a
successful termination using ^. 

(P' ^ P'') || Q

The error can occur somewhere in P' and if that happens P' terminates
unsuccessfully and P'' handles the exception. After handling the
exception, P terminates successfully. || terminates when P and Q

We could apply exception handling in exception handling in the same way:

(P' ^ (P'' ^ P''')) || Q

The ^ in (P' ^ (P'' ^ P''')) can be implemented with try-catch clauses.

  try {
  } catch (exception e1) {
      try {
      } catch (exception e2) {

But what about:

(P || Q) ^ R       ?

Here, this process will behave as R when || terminates unsuccessfully.
Exceptions could occur in P and/or by Q. The || could propagate all
unhandled exceptions to R once P and Q have terminated. In Java this
would be a new exception carrying the exceptions returned by P and/or Q.
Process R could check these exceptions and decides what to do.

Here, we can still use the try-catch clause. 

However, some exceptions could be very important that should break other
processes in parallel. This could be done by

(a) canceling channels that will cause input/output statements to throw
exceptions so that these processes can gracefully terminate (in the same
way as a divide-by-zero exception) - 
    this is the idea of poisoning channels;
(b) the || could break all its child processes once one process
terminates unsuccessfully with an emergency exception.  

Both approaches use ^ operators, but their implementations are
different. Point (a) is implemented with try-catch clause and point (b)
is carried out by the || implementation. This should also work with a
prioritized parallel construct |<|.

In case (b), we need to distinguish between normal exceptions and
emergency exceptions. I don't know how to specify this yet. 

The idea of having a ^ operator could solve our problems with
understanding of poisoning channels, unsuccessful terminations, the PAR
termination problem, and implementation issues.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: P.H.Welch@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:P.H.Welch@xxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: zondag 9 september 2001 15:34
> To: java-threads@xxxxxxxxx; occam-com@xxxxxxxxx
> Cc: P.H.Welch@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Concurrency, Exceptions and Poison
> Help please!
> I've been thinking about how exceptions and concurrency 
> interact - prompted by Gerald's idea of poisoning channels 
> (rather than sending poison, as a legal object, through them) 
> and throwing an ArrrghException if anyone, then, tries to use them.
> I mentioned that I remembered (?) Geoff Barrett saying, at 
> the time he was designing occam3, that he had thought about 
> introducing exceptions but shied away because he wasn't happy 
> about the semantics.
> So far as serial processing is concerned, exceptions screws 
> up the simplicity (i.e. WYSIWYG-ness) of the SEQ (sequences 
> do not necessarily run) and - worse
> - loops do not end only because the WHILE-condition becomes 
> FALSE (or the SEQ replication count reaches zero).  However, 
> these are semantic complexities to which we might be able to stretch.
> For parallel processes, what should happen when one of them 
> breaks with an unhandled exception?
> In Java, a thread with an unhandled exception just prints out 
> the exception and dies - the exception propagates no further.
> In occam/CSP/JCSP/CTJ, should we do the same?  Thus, if P is 
> a process that throws an exception, then in:
>                                PAR
>                                  P
>                                  Q
> P's exception could be printed (to a SHARED error channel) 
> and P would then terminate.  The PAR construct then waits for 
> Q to terminate before it itself terminates.  If both P and Q 
> throw exceptions, both exceptions would be printed and both 
> processes terminate followed by the PAR.  In all cases, no 
> exceptions get propagated beyond the PAR.  That seems clean enough ...
> BUT ... it really screws up some basic algebraic laws!  For example:
>                P       =       PAR          =       PAR
>                                  P                    SKIP
>                                  SKIP                 P
> where the = means semantic equivalence.  But, on the LHS, P's 
> exception is thrown.  On the middle/RHS, it isn't!  So, with 
> exceptions, that law no longer holds :-( ...
> Suppose we try to fix this by saying that the PAR *does* 
> propagate exceptions thrown by its component processes (not 
> print them).  Then, we will have to accommodate the idea of 
> exception *sets* being thrown - since PAR will have to throw 
> the union of all exceptions thrown by its processes.  Or, PAR 
> just chooses (arbitrarily?) one of its received exceptions to 
> propagate??
> Extending the semantics of concurrency (e.g. for unhandled 
> exceptions) in a way that is not matched by a similar 
> extension in the semantics for
> (external) choice is bound to lead to inconsistency.  This is 
> because PAR is related to (and actually defined in terms of) 
> choice.  This screws things up if we say that synchronising 
> on a poisoned event throws an exception ...
> Let's say that we apply the above fix so that a PAR 
> propagates exceptions.
> Consider P = (p -> P') and Q = (q -> Q'), where perhaps p and 
> q are channel input events.  Suppose, also, that p and q are 
> different.  Then, we should
> have:
>               PAR     =     PAR           =     ALT
>                 P             p -> P'             p
>                 Q             q -> Q'               PAR
>                                                       P'
>                                                       q -> Q'
>                                                   q
>                                                     PAR
>                                                       p -> P'
>                                                       Q'
> (Sorry about the mix of occam and CSP notation :-)
> Now, suppose that p is a poisoned channel - i.e. touching it 
> throws the ArrrghException!  On the LHS (or middle) 
> expression, P immediately throws its exception and terminates 
> - meanwhile Q must run to completion.  When and if Q 
> terminates, the PAR terminates and propagates P's exception.
> On the RHS, a poisoned event guard may (or may not) trigger 
> the exception. Suppose it does - then, presumably, the 
> exception gets propagated by the ALT and *none* of the Q 
> process is executed.  This is not the same behaviour as the LHS :-(.
> OK - suppose a poisoned event is *never* taken.  Then, the 
> RHS becomes:
>   ALT
>     q
>       PAR
>         p -> P'
>         Q'
> which now does equal the semantics of the LHS (first we wait 
> until q happens; then Q' happens in parallel with P throwing 
> its exception and terminating; finally, when and if Q' 
> terminates, the PAR terminates and propagates P's exception; 
> P's throwing of its exception is here forced to follow q, 
> whereas on the LHS it may precede it; but that first throwing 
> of the exception (an
> event?) is hidden to the outside world and, therefore, does 
> not change the semantics).
> But no cheers yet!  Suppose both p and q are poisoned.  Now 
> the RHS behaves as STOP ... but the LHS terminates (and 
> propagates two exceptions)!
> Hmmm ... I still like the idea of poisoning channels (or any 
> synchronisation
> object) but I'm not sure about exceptions :-( ...
> Either:
>   (a) we give up the algebraic laws in the presence of exceptions;
>   (b) we give up exceptions and think of a better way to react to
>       poisoned events;
>   (c) we give up posoning events;
>   (d) there's a clean semantics that unifies excpetions and 
> concurrency
>       and preserves existing algebraic laws and I can't see it.
> I don't believe (a) is acceptable.  I don't like (c) since 
> it's such a good idea.  I hope it's (d) ... help!
> Meanwhile, here's a go at (b).  It gives a consistent 
> semantics to poison and concurrency ... but we have to 
> forrget about throwing exceptions!
> The semantics of a poisoned event is just that you can't sync 
> on it.  This means that, as above, a poisoned event is 
> *never* taken in a choice (ALT). If you don't have a choice 
> (e.g. p -> P), then it's a STOP.  Note that this is the way 
> run-time errors (e.g. divide-by-zero) are currently handled 
> by occam.  So, that's consistent - being forced to use a 
> poisoned event leads to a run-time error :) ...
> Stopping an event from happening is easy in CSP - just get a 
> parallel process (that has the event in its alphabet) to 
> refuse it.  For example:
>     ALT
>       p
>         SKIP
>       poison ? any
>         STOP
> Note that it's just as easy to model a temporary paralysis of 
> the event:
>     ALT
>       p
>         SKIP
>       poison ? any
>         STOP
>       suspend ? any
>         release ? any
> So, with this semantics for a poisoned channel, we will have 
> consistency. Consider the earlier example:
>               PAR     =     PAR           =     ALT
>                 P             p -> P'             p
>                 Q             q -> Q'               PAR
>                                                       P'
>                                                       q -> Q'
>                                                   q
>                                                     PAR
>                                                       p -> P'
>                                                       Q'
> If neither p and q are poisoned, it holds by the usual laws.  
> If both p and q are poisoned, the RHS is STOP (neither event 
> can be taken).  The LHS and middle resuce to:
>   PAR
>     STOP
>     STOP
> which is, of course, STOP.
> If p is poisoned and q is not, the LHS/middle is:
>   PAR
>     STOP
>     q -> Q'
> which is:
>   SEQ
>     q -> Q'
>     STOP
> The RHS, as before, reduces to:
>   ALT            =     ALT           =     ALT           =     SEQ
>     q                    q                   q                
>    q -> Q'
>       PAR                  PAR                 SEQ               STOP
>         p -> P'              STOP                Q'
>         Q'                   Q'                  STOP
> Q.E.D. :)
> The good thing about this is that it gives us a safe way of 
> freezing processes temporarilly or permanently.  The bad 
> thing is that, in the latter case, it doesn't permit any 
> tidy-up actions (that involve further synchronisation).
> I suppose this also gives option (d) above.  We have:
>   (1) throw (and catch from) exception sets (not just singletons);
>   (2) PAR propagates the union of exceptions thrown by its components
>       - unless that union is empty, in which case it 
> terminates normally;
>   (3) a process cannot engage in a poisoned (or suspended) event.
> That gives us consistency (I think?) and it gives a simple 
> mechanism for freezing processes.  But it doesn't quite give 
> us what we want - namely the *termination* of processes that 
> touch poisoned events (and the chance to trap the termination).
> I'd like to get the semantics of poison and exceptions right. 
>  The obvious:
>   (4) a process trying to engage in a poisoned event throws 
> an exception;
>   (5) PAR does not propagate exceptions.
> appears to be wrong.  Separately or together, clauses (4) and 
> (5) leads to inconsistency.
> Peter.