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Java & Win95


I have reached "the wall" - and it seems like the java.sun.com server
is only able to give me the homepage - at *any* times - so I don't
have the faq (http://java.sun.com/JDK-1.0/faq.html) nor the known
bugs file (http://java.sun.com/JDK-1.0/KnownBugs-JDK.html)

If anybody has a copy, I'd be very happy if a could receive the faq
and/or the known bugs.
"The wall" is that my java.exe doesn't run the java programs properly.
After a while I discoveded that the non-public classes in ComsTime.java
generate one class file each - and I thought this was the problem - 
when I recompiled other things like ComsTimeFullPAR.java etc, with
some new and some old classes. The "warm-up loop" in Peter's program was nice,
except that sometimes it writes out 1,2,3.....to 16, another time
it starts at 16 (!!???) and prints out increasing numbers.

It seems like (after a Ctrl C to kill, or after standard exit?), the
class loader doesn't reload the class files??

Am I the only one with WIN95? I have a proper version 1.0 installed
from the CD that came with "Java by example" from The SunSoft Press.

This is frustrating, cause all my time goes to wrong things!

Cheers,   |   0yvind Teig, Autronica, Trondheim, Norway       |
Oyvind    |   Oyvind.Teig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                |
          |   Presently obsolete address: teig@xxxxxxxxxxxx   |
          |   47 73 58 12 68 (Tel) 47 73 91 93 20 (Fax)       |