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Re: occam REPL

Hi Matt!

I look forward to catching up with you at CPA 2006!  Will you be there?

I just checked, and was surprised to see that OCaml *does* have a repl...

Regardless, I agree with your bigger questions. I don't know who would use it. I sometimes wonder if we're hoping to lure the wrong community. Rather than lure the OO community, it seems to me the FP community is closer in spirit to CSP. Hoare's text defines processes functionally; recursion is natural for CSP process expression.
The vast majority of the OO community has been led astray! Java took  
off because C++ paved the way, and C++ took off (rather than, say,  
Smalltalk) because C paved the way. What existing language/ 
environment will pave the way for occam-pi? Possibly Python because  
of the indentation? I don't know...  :-)  But C++ was never meant to  
be an OO language, it was intended to support multiple paradigms, one  
of which included support for OO constructs; but C++ was committed to  
backward compatibility with C. Without this commitment, it's doubtful  
it would have been widely adopted, and Stroustrup knew this.
Unfortunately, when Java benefited from simplifying the syntax and  
semantics of C++, Gosling, et al., chose a stripped-down monitors  
multithreading model (e.g., only one, implicit lock, instead of  
multiple, definable condition variables per monitor). Peter tells a  
frustrating story of his conversation with Gosling, explaining why  
monitors were chosen over CSP.
By the way, DrJava has a very nice REPL environment for beginning  
Java programmers, and the development team for DrJava (the Rice PLT,  
not to be confused with the original PLT that developed DrScheme--the  
research group split) uses DrJava to develop DrJava, so it's not just  
for beginners. In fact, both PLTs are (the ones behind DrScheme and  
DrJava) are developing functional OO introductions to Java through  
the use of language levels (subsets of Java), restricting such things  
as assignment statements (no mutation), etc. Both DrJava and DrScheme  
(using the ProfessorJ learning languages) provide Java REPLs.
While on the surface a REPL for occam may not seem exciting, perhaps  
there's a bigger picture here. If we can introduce CS1 students to  
concurrency before they learn to fear it, we will be on the road to  
real progress. I've heard Peter speak on several occasions how our  
curriculum needs to be revamped to teach concurrency much earlier on,  
that concurrency is natural, and that single-threaded computing in an  
inherently parallel world is unnatural. I couldn't agree more. (Easy  
to say now, of course; but the first time I heard Peter discuss this,  
it was an epiphany for me!)
All of this is to say that having a REPL for occam may be *part* of  
what's needed to convince the establishment that it shouldn't be  
objects-first, but concurrency first!  :-)
I realize I'm preaching to the choir here, but thanks for reading  
this far...


On Aug 19, 2006, at 1:45 PM, Matt Jadud wrote:

Hi Marc,

Marc L. Smith wrote:
Hi everyone,
I've been following this most recent thread regarding a REPL for occam, and Damian's last post triggered me to recall that there *is* an experimental language within DrScheme that is an implementation of Functional Reactive Programming. The language is FrTime (pronounced "Father Time"), and I saw a demo of it a couple of years ago. The demo showed off features that would appear to be desirable for an occam REPL as this thread has discussed.
I think the bigger questions is whether a REPL is actually worth  
the investment of time and effort? What problems does it solve? Who  
would use it? Certainly, it would require a non-trivial investment  
of time to convince the compiler to byte-compile on a line-by-line  
basis, and for the TVM to support that kind of incremental  
compilation in a sane way. FrTime has the benefit of expanding down  
to PLT Scheme, which (as Scheme implementations go) was intended  
for this kind of linguistic exploration.
Java took off just fine without a REPL. I don't think OCaml has  
one, either... and, for that matter, Perl doesn't have a REPL, but  
it has practically taken over the world of scripting. These  
languages do just fine within their spheres. Someone would have to  
convince me of why a REPL for occam is a truly interesting idea, as  
it doesn't seem all that exciting to me.